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Welcome to Piper's Grocery and Homemade Candies!


***Please note: Due to high demand, orders for our fresh, handmade candies will ship about 10 days after being placed.

Piper’s Homemade Candies make the perfect Holiday gift!

Starting with the freshest ingredients and using our time-tested recipes, we make Piper’s Homemade Candies almost entirely by hand. The end result? Delicious, melt-in-your-mouth candies that leave you wanting more!

When placing your order, please feel free to include any special instructions or requests in the “Delivery Times/Instructions” section during checkout. Sending a gift? We are happy to include a note with your package as well.

A happy and blessed Holiday season to one and all!

While we are best known for our homemade candies, Piper’s is an old fashioned corner grocery store! In addition to fresh made donuts, the deli offers a full line of deli meats and cheeses where you can get your favorite sandwich made just the way you like it, pick up a salad or a cup of soup, get a meat and cheese tray to order, or take home some cold cuts!

Home deliveries are available within the Chariton area.

We invite you to stop by anytime you are able and add your signature to our guest book! We aren’t able to list all of our goods on our website, so please feel free to call us at 800-479-1343 or 641-774-2131 and we will be happy to ship to you wherever you may be.


Fell in love with everything here to the store to the employees will go back again and again.

Shane M.


I love everything about Piper's. Candy, Deli, and friendly service with a smile.

Eloise H.


Piper’s is a long-standing tradition of delicious candies for our family! Love the hand-dipped caramels and Toffee!

Karen W.