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Piper's Homemade Mints


Piper's Homemade Mints


Piper's Homemade Mints

from $15.00

Smooth and refreshing, our handmade mints are perfect for any occasion!  They come in a variety of shapes and colors, tailored to the season or your interest. Try one and you’ll see why they are a go-to for generations of loyal Piper’s customers! 30 mints in a half pound sized box and 56 mints in a pound sized box. ***Seasonal mint shapes and colors will be sent unless otherwise requested in “Pick Up/Delivery Instructions” section during checkout.

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Smooth and refreshing, our handmade mints are perfect for any occasion!  They come in a variety of shapes and colors, tailored to the season or your interest. Try one and you’ll see why they are a go-to for generations of loyal Piper’s customers! 30 mints in a half pound sized box and 56 mints in a pound sized box.